5. Create Autoscale Schedule
Requirements (Can be ignored if VPC is already available):
Step 1: Go to Autoscaling page > Autoscale Group. Select a group to create Autoscale Schedule.
Step 2: Select Schedule tab > Create schedule
For VPCs that have no Autoscale Schedule, the interface will be displayed as below:
For VPC that have created Autoscale Schedule, the interface will be displayed as below:
Step 3: A new dialog box will appear. Users configure following fields of information:
Case 1: Create Daily Schedule
From time: The time resizing starts according to the given parameters.
To time: The time resizing ends and return to the old parameters.
Start date: The effective date of the schedule.
End date: The expiration date of the schedule.
Case 2: Create Weekly Schedule
From time, To time, Start date, End date are similar to those in Daily. In addition, there are 2 more options:
From weekday: The day of the week resizing starts according to the given parameters.
To weekday: The day of the week resizing ends and returns to old parameters.
Case 3: Create Monthly Schedule
From time, To time, Start date, End date are similar to those in Daily. In addition, there are 2 more options:
From date: The day of the month resizing starts according to the given parameters.
To date: The day in the month resizing ends and return to the old parameters.
Autoscaling will only occur in some valid months if the day 31st is selected.
In February, it will only be 28-29 days.
Step 4: Select Create.
The system will check the information and create a Schedule for Autoscale Group.
Name: The name of the schedule.
Size: Resizing parameter when schedule executed.
Frequency: The execution frequency of the schedule.
Start time: The time the schedule takes effect.
Stop time: The time schedule expires.
First Execution: The time of the first execution schedule.
Next Execution: The time of the next execution schedule.
Remaining Executions: The number of remaining executions of the schedule.
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