5. Create Autoscale Schedule

Requirements (Can be ignored if VPC is already available):

1. Create Autoscale Group

Step 1: Go to Autoscaling page > Autoscale Group. Select a group to create Autoscale Schedule.

Step 2: Select Schedule tab > Create schedule

  • For VPCs that have no Autoscale Schedule, the interface will be displayed as below:

  • For VPC that have created Autoscale Schedule, the interface will be displayed as below:

Step 3: A new dialog box will appear. Users configure following fields of information:

Case 1: Create Daily Schedule

  • From time: The time resizing starts according to the given parameters.

  • To time: The time resizing ends and return to the old parameters.

  • Start date: The effective date of the schedule.

  • End date: The expiration date of the schedule.

Case 2: Create Weekly Schedule

From time, To time, Start date, End date are similar to those in Daily. In addition, there are 2 more options:

  • From weekday: The day of the week resizing starts according to the given parameters.

  • To weekday: The day of the week resizing ends and returns to old parameters.

Case 3: Create Monthly Schedule

From time, To time, Start date, End date are similar to those in Daily. In addition, there are 2 more options:

  • From date: The day of the month resizing starts according to the given parameters.

  • To date: The day in the month resizing ends and return to the old parameters.


  • Autoscaling will only occur in some valid months if the day 31st is selected.

  • In February, it will only be 28-29 days.

Step 4: Select Create.

The system will check the information and create a Schedule for Autoscale Group.

  • Name: The name of the schedule.

  • Size: Resizing parameter when schedule executed.

  • Frequency: The execution frequency of the schedule.

  • Start time: The time the schedule takes effect.

  • Stop time: The time schedule expires.

  • First Execution: The time of the first execution schedule.

  • Next Execution: The time of the next execution schedule.

  • Remaining Executions: The number of remaining executions of the schedule.

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