7. Autoscale
Tính năng autoscale
Enable autoscale during cluster creation
Click create 1 cluster > enter information according to the instructions in section Create 1 k8s cluster.
After entering all information for a cluster to be created, the user wants to enable the autoscale feature by clicking Autoscale in the Worker Configuration section.
Select the Scale min parameter (the number of remaining nodes when scale down) and scale max (the maximum number of nodes that can be scaled up).
After enabling autoscale for 1 k8s cluster, click create cluster.
Ø Node:
When entering the quantity for scale max/min, you have to check if there is enough quota, if the input exceeds the allowed quota, it will display an insufficient quota message as below:
To fix it, reduce the max/min scale to the allowed quota.
Enable autoscale after creating a cluster:
From the menu select Kubernetes > select the cluster you want to enable Autoscale
From the Worker Config section, select Autoscale > Scale min (minimum amount when scaling down workers) and Scale max (maximum number when Scale-up workers) for the autoscale feature.
After entering the parameters, click the Autoscale button to enable this feature.
After clicking Autoscale, the status of the cluster is Enable scaling.
The user checks the information of the max and min worker nodes, if changing the number of max-mins, select Update Autoscale.
The Autoscale process will take place automatically in accordance with the needs of the user.
Disable Autoscale:
From the Menu select Kubernetes > select the cluster you want to Disable Autoscale.
In the Worker Config section, select Autoscale.
Select Action Disable Autoscale and then click the Disable button to stop the Autoscale feature from working..
After disabling, the status of the cluster is Disable Scaling
The Autoscale process will stop working after you click disable
Update Autoscale:
From the Menu select Kubernetes > select the cluster you want to Update Autoscale.
In the Worker Config section, select Autoscale
Select Action Update Autoscale then click the Update button to update Scale max and Scale min worker nodes for the Autoscale feature.
Click the Update button to update the Scale max and Scale min worker nodes you want to adjust.
After updating the status of the cluster is Update Scaling.
The user checks the number of Scale max and min worker nodes again after updating.
Last updated