1. Create load balancer

Step 1: Sign in > Select Load Balancers on the main menu.

Step 2: On Load Balancer page, select Create.

Step 3: On Create New Load Balancer dialog box, configure following fields of information:


Name of load balancer.


Select Standard/Advanced/Premium Size corresponding to your needs.

Public IP

Select Public IP to create an external load balancer, or leave it blank if it is an internal load balancer.


Click on the dropdown list and select the instance associated with the load balancer.


Define how traffic is routed from the load balancer to the instance. Currently, the system only supports creating 1 rule for each load balancer. Users using HTTPS are required to enter a certificate. Users can select an existing certificate or add a new certificate. The default HTTP is HTTP port 80.


Set additional information for the load balancer. These settings already have default values, which can be changed after creating the load balancer. Click Edit settings can be to change information of Algorithm, Session stickiness, and Health check.

Step 4. Select Create.

Note: To active a load balancer, users must add the load balancer and instance in the load balancer to the security group.

Last updated